Saturday, February 7, 2009

Lights Camera Action

CAMPUS MOVIEFEST IS HERE!!!!! For those who have not heard of the Campus MovieFest, it is a film festival sponsored by AT&T that visits college campus around US supplying teams with all the equipment needed to make a 5 minute short. They even include Mac Book Pro equipped with Final Cut and IMovie. You have a week to script, shoot, and edit a 5 minute short. After you have put in all the hard work you have a few days to get your beauty rest before its show time. Campus Moviefest then host a Film festival on your campus showcasing your entries, and awarding prizes. Best part is it is all FREE! But you do have to give back all the equipment when your done with your movie. 
The countdown has begun, we have until this coming Tuesday at 12pm to get it all done. Right now I'm taking a break from writing the script for our teams short. Keep an eye out, I will try to upload some footage of us in action through out the weekend. If you want to help out, follow my twitter, I'll be posting times and locations when we need extras. If you are in the Atlanta area on the 17th please come and support us at the film festival.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Black Marriage Day Film Festival

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


(Ezekial Philips & Overdoz)
Thanks for being patient with me bro, but you know in this field everything has to be RIGHT!!!! Love you bro. Also if you know anyone else that has a blog from different states that don't mind posting it along with the music video(that comes out next week) pls pass it down. Thanks again. Please keep working hard and I will do the same.
Check out OverDoz Behind the Scene for "Creamie Says" Music Video
I recently received this e-mail from my friend Ezekial Phillips. If you haven't heard of him by now, trust you will soon know him. Zek is a very hilarious person all ways keeping you laughing, but when the camera is on it is all business. Have many projects under his already at such a young age, he is well on his way to being a major asset to the film industry. Check him out behind the scenes of the "Creami Says" music video.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Bowling with Lil' Wayne & Katie Couric

What time of year is it? You guessed it......Awards Season!!! This Wednesday at 9pm CBS will air it's "All Access Grammy Special," where Katie Couric will be interviewing rapper Lil' Wayne. With Bill O'Reilly & Dennis Miller recently criticizing the free speech of Young Jeezy, it will be interesting to see the development of this interview. Judging from the clip here are my predictions:
  • Lil' Wayne begins the interview with some class, seeming as if he has emerged from the streets of New Orleans.
  • Katie Couric engages Wayne quite will, but you can tell she is airing on the side of caution probably with a can of mace within reach.
  • Midway through the interview, Wayne's good ole purple juice will kick in and let the Wayne-izms begin.
  • Over all it wont be as intense as O'Reilly going after those he loves to hate, yet it should make for some good luaghs.
Oh almost forgot, it is rumored that we might hear a freestyle from Katie Couric.

Weekend Box Office Results 1/30 - 2/1

  1. Taken
  2. Paul Bart Mall Cop
  3. The Uninvited
  4. Hotel For Dogs
  5. Gran Torino
  6. Slumdog Millionaire
  7. Underworld Rise of the Lycans
  8. New in Town
  9. My Bloody Valentine 3-D
  10. Inkheart

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Under Construction

Eye Wonder TV Coming Soon

Dolores Claiborne

Dolores Claiborne
Sometimes an accident can be an unhappy womans best friend. Check out this interesting classic on dvd.
