Monday, February 2, 2009

Bowling with Lil' Wayne & Katie Couric

What time of year is it? You guessed it......Awards Season!!! This Wednesday at 9pm CBS will air it's "All Access Grammy Special," where Katie Couric will be interviewing rapper Lil' Wayne. With Bill O'Reilly & Dennis Miller recently criticizing the free speech of Young Jeezy, it will be interesting to see the development of this interview. Judging from the clip here are my predictions:
  • Lil' Wayne begins the interview with some class, seeming as if he has emerged from the streets of New Orleans.
  • Katie Couric engages Wayne quite will, but you can tell she is airing on the side of caution probably with a can of mace within reach.
  • Midway through the interview, Wayne's good ole purple juice will kick in and let the Wayne-izms begin.
  • Over all it wont be as intense as O'Reilly going after those he loves to hate, yet it should make for some good luaghs.
Oh almost forgot, it is rumored that we might hear a freestyle from Katie Couric.



Dolores Claiborne

Dolores Claiborne
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